Hebrew Alphabet Flashcards can make Hebrew very easy to master
The trouble of learning an archaic or biblical language is that there are no more texts widely produced in this language and there are very few classes offering courses on them. However that does not demotivate many people from mastering this language. Hebrew is one of the richest languages having its own heritage value. Many ancient texts are available only in this language without any translated editions. So, academicians and scholars are very much interested to master it to delve into the rich literature still unread due to lack of translators in Hebrew. Though one can get translations of many...
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Does English still borrow words from other languages?
English language has "borrowed" words for centuries. But is it now lending more than it's taking, asks Philip Durkin, deputy chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionary...
Exiled stars explode far from home
A team of astronomers has used the sharp imaging capability of the Hubble Space Telescope to confirm that three exploding stars found in the empty regions between galaxies in a cluster were in fact lonely supernovae unattached to any galaxy at all. They were probably ripped from their host galaxies eons ago and exploded far from home.
New species of horned dinosaur with 'bizarre' features revealed

About 10 years ago, Peter Hews stumbled across some bones sticking out of a cliff along the Oldman River in southeastern Alberta, Canada. Now, scientists describe in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on June 4 that those bones belonged to a nearly intact skull of a very unusual horned dinosaur--a close relative of the familiar Triceratops that had been unknown to science until now...